- Low Back Pain, Shoulder Stiffness, Neck Pain, Headache, Back Pain, Acute Low Back Pain, Hip Joint Problems, Knee Joint Problems, Buttocks Ache, Low Back Pain during Pregnancy/Post-pregnancy, Arm Pain ,Wrist Pain/Numbness, Shoulder Pain, Lower Extremity Pain, Sports Injury, Chronic Tiredness, Posture Problems, Better Performance in Sports.
*Please feel free to contact us if you have a post delivery problem with your pelvis or bad posture of your child(ren).
- ConsultationWe would like to ask about your symptoms and your daily life.
- ExaminationWe are going to find out problems of your body by doing neuro testing, manual muscle testing, orthopedic testing and other tests if necessary.
- ExplanationWe explain problem(s) and how to treat your problem(s).
- Chiropractic TreatmentWe do chiropractic treatment by manual manipulation or instrumental manipulation. In addition, if it is necessary, we will use ultrasound or warmer pack.
- AdviceWe would like to advise you how to do stretching or exercise. Also, we will tell you how to avoid bad posture or moves which might patiently worsen your problem(s).
The greatest strength of chiropractic is in treatment of neuro- musculoskeletal conditions such as sprain or strain-type injuries of the back and adjacent structures. Our strongest suit is low back conditions. This is followed by neck, head, and arm problems, especially migraine headaches, tension headaches and stiff necks. The next strongest area would be extra spinal conditions such as problems in the knees, wrists, elbows, ankles, and other joints.
For low back pain, research has helped make it possible to predict fairly reliably which individuals will benefit. For conditions with more vague complaints or with visceral manifestation like gastritis, asthma, or allergies, the predictability of benefit is lower, although there is much anecdotal evidence that these conditions too can benefit.Some studies showed that spinal manipulation can produce a number of physical responses, such as decreased blood pressure and renal and adrenal nerve activity. It may also enhance immune function by increasing metabolic rates of certain white blood cells and increasing other substances that play a role in immune regulation and inflammation. These studies also show that spinal adjustment can reduce levels of inflammatory Prostaglandins and possibly increase levels of beta-endorphins, the natural painkillers in the body. Chiropractic is regulated in over 34 countries and it’s a science based on alternative health care.